29 January 2020

7 podcasts to help you learn something new this year

If you’re eager to learn something new this year, a podcast could be the perfect place to source some interesting listening material. Whether you want a podcast to brighten up a commute or to play as you relax at home, there’s plenty of options to choose from. Here are seven podcasts we think are worth a try in 2020.

1. No Such Thing as a Fish

If you’re a fan of the panel show QI, No Such Thing as a Fish should be on your weekly listening list. Put together by the researchers behind QI, you can expect plenty of quite interesting facts. Each week, presenters discuss the favourite fact they’ve come across that week, and the others have no idea what it is. It leads to plenty of fascinating discussions and questions coming up during each podcast.

No Such Thing as a Fish is the perfect reminder that facts don’t need to be boring. With over 700,000 subscribers and numerous awards, the podcast has earned a significant following.

2. Meaningful Money

Brush up on your financial skills by adding Meaningful Money to your playlist. Each week, it tackles a financial topic and answers common questions in a way that’s easy to get to grips with.

For those that like to get stuck into a podcast that already has a bank to listen to, Meaningful Money has over 350 sessions covering a wide array of topics. Each season focuses on a key topic. So, if you’re keen to make the most of your pension, you’ll want to download season eleven (Pensions Masterclass), whilst those wanting to explore the psychology behind personal finance will enjoy season three (Behavioural Finance).

3. TED Radio Hour

Do you love watching TED Talks on a whole host of different areas? TED Radio Hour is a podcast that explores fascinating ideas, astonishing inventions and fresh ways of thinking. As you’d expect, there’s plenty of variety when it comes to topics. Each episode brings together several experts in the field to offer you different perspectives and a new way of looking at things.

So, what can you expect from TED Radio Hour? Each episode has a central theme so you can pick and choose those that catch your attention. Recent topics covered include exploring how time changes depending on where we are, whether creativity is something that can be learnt and our place in the universe.

4. HBR IdeaCast

Perfect for business owners, management and anyone else that wants to learn from the best, the HBR IdeaCast is a great podcast to add to your list. It brings together the leading thinkers in the world of business, from scientists to industry professionals for lively interviews. Whilst advertised as a management and marketing podcast, it’s got far more to offer than just that, including entertainment.

Among the workplace and career topics discussed on the podcast in recent months include why business leaders should look to solve big issues, such as climate change and social inequality, and the art of asking for help.

5. Stuff You Should Know

The award-winning Stuff You Should Know is hosted by writers at HowStuffWorks and is one of the most popular podcasts in the world; each episode is downloaded millions of times. And with three podcasts every week, you’re not going to run out of listening content any time soon.

The podcasts will educate you on a huge range of areas, with plenty of popular culture and laughs thrown in too. With topics ranging from urban legends to science, you won’t be bored when you put your headphones in for this podcast.

6. Planet Money

Planet Money launched in 2008, in the midst of the financial crisis and in a bid to explain what’s happening in the economy. That might sound dry, but the team behind the podcast work to make each episode entertaining in creative ways. They’ll take complex areas that affect the economy and deliver it in a format that is simple to grasp.

With the economy influencing so much of our lives, Planet Money offers plenty of reasons to listen. What you learn could help inform everything from your understanding of news stories to financial decisions. If you enjoy listening to this one, The Indicator should also be added to your list, it’s run by the same team.

7. Freakonomics

Stephen Dubner, co-author of the Freakonomics books brings you this podcast every week. He aims to help you discover the hidden side of everything. Listen to a few of the podcasts and you’ll hear from leading intellects, entrepreneurs and Nobel laureates.

There are hundreds of episodes to dig into, so try scrolling through the titles to find one that jumps out at you. 5 Psychology Terms You’re Probably Misusing could make you change the terms you use, whilst The $1.5 Trillion Questions takes an interesting look at one solution for solving the US student loan problem.

Category: News