19 July 2019

2019 fundraising challenge: Devon Coast to Coast

As part of our calendar of gifting and fundraising, we’re already planning our autumn efforts to support those charities that are close to our hearts. In the past, we’ve run, hiked, climbed and even driven across Europe in an old banger. This year, we’re turning our attention back to cycling.

After leading the efforts for the last 20 years, I’ve decided to hand over some of the fundraising challenges to Alasdair and Rob. But with Alasdair welcoming a baby, this year’s challenge has fallen on the shoulders of Rob.

Luckily, he saw it as the perfect opportunity to do something he loved whilst raising money at the same time. So, after coming up with a few ideas, it’s been decided that this year’s Hunter, Aitkenhead & Walker challenge will be a Devon Coast to Coast cycle. Over two days, starting on 5th September, Rob will be cycling 160 kilometres from Ilfracombe to Plymouth.

It’s a route that’s been provided by Sustrans, a not-for-profit organisation that produces the most beautiful maps for lots of safe cycling adventures. The Devon Coast to Coast route is mostly traffic-free, combining beaches and lush green valleys; it should make for a picturesque ride.

The charity: Muscular Dystrophy Support Centre

Of course, the point of the challenge is to raise money for a good cause. This year, all donations will go to local East Midlands charity, the Muscular Dystrophy Support Centre.

This amazing group provides specialised physical therapies to people in the UK with neuromuscular conditions, which causes progressive muscle wasting. It’s a disease that affects around 12,000 people in the Midlands and the services the charity provides can be invaluable in helping those affected.

The Muscular Dystrophy Support Centre operates on a modest budget and makes every penny count. If we hit our target of raising £2,500 this year, we will cover around 1% of their annual needs and have a positive impact on those that use the services provided.

You can sponsor our efforts through our Total Giving page here: https://www.totalgiving.co.uk/mypage/ha-w

Thank you for your support.

Best wishes,


PS: Remember, if you’re a taxpayer making a Gift Aid declaration means charities can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give.

Category: Company News, News